The restricted expression pattern of miRNAs in the mouse ventral forebrain.
In situ hybridization patterns of miR-129–3p (A–D) and miR-181b (E, F, E′, and F′) on sections during the brain development. A–D, the expression patterns of miR-129-3p in coronal sections of mouse brain at E16.5 (A), E18.5 (B), P0 (C), and P3 (D). E, F, E′, and F′, the miR-181b signals in the coronal section of mouse brains at E16.5 (E and E′) and E18.5 (F and F′). The indicated areas of E and F are magnified in E′ and F′. Nc, neocortex; Str, striatum. Scale bar in A is 500 nm for A–D, scale bars in E and F are 500 μm.