Colocalization of GAD67-GFP (green) and GAD67 immunostaining (red) in IC neurons in a P14 knock-in mouse. Separate channels (a, b) and corresponding digital merge (c) of a mid-rostrocaudal IC section at low magnification reveal overlapping patterns. CNIC patterns appear homogeneous, unlike observed modular clustering in the LCIC (c, dashed contours). High magnification confocal images show representative double-labeled IC neurons (a-c insets, i, ii, iii). Arrowheads in (c) highlight the position of depicted neurons: (i) in a dorsal LCIC module, (ii) in a ventral LCIC module, and (iii) in the CNIC. Scale bars in (a-c) = 200µm, (i-iii) = 10µm.