Fig. 1.
The hADSCs characteristics in vitro and their retention time after the administration to the murine muscle tissue. a Phenotype of hADSC (passage #2; n = 12 Flow cytometry). The phenotype fulfills all the accepted criteria for MSCs identification; b adipogenic differentiation—formation of lipid vesicles stained with FABP4 antibody (green, passage #2, n = 5); c osteogenic differentiation—calcium deposits stained with Alizarin Red (red, passage #2, n = 7, magn × 20); d immunofluorescence phalloidin staining of actin filaments (red) and Lamin A/C (green) in hADSCs in vitro. e The representative image of double immunofluorescent staining of human specific Lamin A/C (green) and macrophages (CD206, red) on day 7. Image shows that injected hADSC localize in clusters, presumably at the injection site. f Image shows control immunofluorescence staining with secondary Biotinylated Anti-Mouse and Fluorescein Avidin antibodies alone. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue), scale bars = 50 μm