(A) Overview of the experimental design of our study. (B–E) Tracks showing H3K27ac and GR ChIP-seq normalized tag density, ATAC-seq, and RNA-seq reads for U2OS-GR cells (the non-edited parental cell line) that were treated as indicated. Genomic regions surrounding the loci of GBS integration are shown for GYPC (B), IL1B (C), IL1R2 (D), and VSIG1 (E). The genomic site targeted for GBS integration is highlighted in blue and its distance in base pairs to the TSS is indicated. (F) HDR-mediated genome editing to introduce the CGT GBS upstream of the IL1R2 gene. The sequence of the gRNA, the sequence of the introduced GBS, and the efficiency of successfully edited single-cell–derived clonal lines are shown on the left. Sanger sequencing for a successfully edited clone and the sequence for each allele are shown on the right.