Healthcare providers would like to see improved policy and care guidelines for managing trafficked patients, including overcoming biases and minimizing stigmatization. |
“I don’t know how much awareness there is … healthcare providers sometimes, when we see these people that come in from different areas, when you have high drug abuse, high violence–whether it be physical violence [or] sexual assault–with a lot of behavioral health disorders and stuff like that. Sometimes, we don't always look for those signs [of HT]. …It doesn’t happen overnight.” (PA4) |
“we shouldn't be labeling them, we should be reaching out to try to help them, so giving them a specific ICD-10 code for a trafficking victim–when that's not really what they're seeking care for–we should be identifying what they're seeking care for and then identify that they are a trafficking victim and what help [they need], not give them a label.” (PA5) |
There is disagreement as to whether or not biometrics is appropriate for HT patient care management. |
“we could move in that direction with patients, whether it's fingerprints or eye scans or any number of unique identifiers to help us make sure we absolutely have the right patient” (NC2) |
“Some kind of biometric identification would be ideal, whether it's a palm scanner, which the system has talked about previously, or retinal scanning, or anything like that” (PA3) |
“I do think that would be extremely helpful” (PA4) |
“I think it would help. You would have a continuous chart.” (NC3) |
“I would think that … the idea that there could be fingerprinting or anything like that would make people shy away from coming to a big [healthcare] system [like ours]” (PA1) |
“There are specific places that are using voice recognition, but it's tough if you have an unconscious patient” (PA4) |
“I'm not sure if it would be helpful or if it would be felt as being invasive” (PA5) |
“I think that might increase paranoia a little bit” (NC2) |
“It's not going to help you if they have none [no biometrics in the system already] and they haven't been here before” (PA6) |
“[Biometrics are] not really utilized in the medical care of the patient. I'm not really sure how I would use that” (NC1) |