Table 1:
Overview of multi-model, multi-site, protocol-based research activities sampling the Carbon-Temperature-Water-Nitrogen-Adaptation (CTWNA) change space by AgMIP and related projects.
Research Activity |
Scope | C (ppm) |
T (°C) |
W (%) |
N | A | Notes |
AgMIP-Wheat Phase 1 |
Sites | 360 to 720 | −3 to +9 | -- | −50% to +50% | -- | 27 wheat models at each of four sites.# |
AgMIP-Wheat Phase 2a |
Sites | -- | +0 to +16 | -- | -- | -- | 30 wheat models simulated at two sites |
AgMIP-Wheat Phase 2b |
Global Network | -- | +0 to +4 | -- | -- | -- | 30 wheat models at 30 well-watered sites. |
AgMIP-Wheat Phase 3 |
Global Network | 360 to 550 | +0 to +4 | -- | -- | -- | 32 wheat models at 60 sites (water-limited and well-watered sites). |
AgMIP-Maize Phase 1 |
Sites | 360 to 720 | −3 to +9 | -- | -- | -- | 23 maize models at each of 4 sites |
AgMIP-Maize Phase 2 |
Sites | 387 and 550 | -- | RF and Irr. | -- | -- | 21 maize models for Braunschweig, Germany, FACE site |
AgMIP-Rice Phase 1 |
Sites | 360 to 720 | −3 to +9 | -- | varied N | -- | 13 rice models at each of 4 sites. Two sites included N treatments ranging from 30-150 kg N/ha |
AgMIP-Rice Phase 2 |
Sites | 360 to 720 | -- | -- | varied N | 16 rice models at each of 2 FACE sites (Japan and China).** | |
AgMIP-Potato | Sites | 360 to 720 | −3 to +9 | −30 to +30 | -- | -- | 9 potato models at each of 4 sites |
AgMIP-Canola | Sites | 360 to720 | −3 to +9 | −25 to +25 | 0% to 150% of obs | -- | 8 canola models at each of 7 sites |
AgMIP-Sugarcane | Sites | 350 to 750 | −3 to +9 | −30 to +30 | -- | -- | 2 sugarcane models at 7 Brazilian sites. |
AgMIP-Livestock and Grasslands Phase 2 |
Sites | 330 to 900 | −1 to +8 | −50 to +50 | -- | -- | Common protocols for single model tests at 14 sites. 7 models contributed yield and GHG balance results. |
AgMIP Regional Integrated Assessments | Sites | 360 to 720 | −2 to +8 | −75 to +100 | 0 to 210 kg N/ha | -- | 2 models each for 10 sites, multiple crops at many of the sites. |
C3MP | Global Network | 330 to 900 | −1 to +8 | −50 to +50 | -- | -- | 1137 simulation sets in 56 countries; 18 crop species, 23 crop models |
MACSUR-IRS Phase 1 |
Sites | -- | −2 to +9 | −50 to +50 | -- | -- | 26 wheat models at 4 sites in Europe. |
MACSUR - Crop Rotation | Sites | 374 and 550 | -- | -- | 100% and 50% of obs | -- | 15 models with and without crop rotations. CN sensitivity tests performed at Braunswheig, Germany, and N sensitivity at Thibie, France. |
GGCMI-Phase 2 | Global Grid | 360 to 810 | −1 to +6 | −50 to +30 plus irrigated | 10 to 200 kg N/ha | Fully reverse accelerated maturity | 12 participating models. ** Includes no water stress test and no nitrogen stress test. Adaptation adjusts cultivars to maintain planting to maturity duration. |
Notes: RF=Rainfed; Irr. =Irrigated; GHG=Greenhouse Gas; varied N = multiple nitrogen treatments at each site;
= Nitrogen tests were only performed for 20 wheat models containing nitrogen dynamics;
= ongoing project, final participation may change.