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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Sep 6.
Published in final edited form as: Nature. 2019 Mar 6;567(7747):267–272. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1002-0

Extended Data Fig. 2 |. Recombinant TRAIP supports CMG unloading at cisplatin-ICLs.

Extended Data Fig. 2 |

a, NPE immunodepleted of TRAIP was loaded alongside a dilution series of mock-depleted NPE and blotted for TRAIP. A relative loading amount of 100 corresponds to 2 µl of NPE. Non-specifically detected proteins are marked with asterisks.

b, Bacterially-expressed rTRAIPWT, rTRAIPR18C, His6-SUMO-rTRAIPWT, and His6-SUMO-rTRAIPΔPIP (comprising residues 1-455) were partially purified, resolved by SDS-PAGE, and visualized with Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining. Note that His6-SUMO-rTRAIP is obscured by co-migrating, contaminating proteins. Bacterially-expressed rTRAIP was used for all subsequent experiments, unless otherwise indicated.

c, rTRAIPWT and rTRAIPR18C were expressed in Sf9 insect cells and purified using an N-terminal 3×FLAG tag. The tag was then cleaved using 3C protease. The recombinant proteins, along with a buffer sample containing 3C protease only, were resolved by SDS-PAGE and visualized with Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining.

d, Mock- and TRAIP-depleted extracts supplemented with rTRAIPWT or rTRAIPR18C used in Fig. 1b were analyzed by immunoblotting for TRAIP. The absence of the non-specific bands seen in a may be due to shorter incubation with the TRAIP antibody. The concentration of added recombinant TRAIP relative to endogenous TRAIP fluctuates among experiments (e.g. compare panel d and Extended Data Fig. 3b). We ascribe this difference to variations in non-specific removal of endogenous TRAIP from extracts during the mock-depletion procedure, and possibly also in the delivery of recombinant TRAIP into extract.

e, pICLPt was replicated in mock- or TRAIP-depleted extracts supplemented with [α-32P]dATP and Sf9-expressed rTRAIPWT, rTRAIPR18C, or 3C protease alone and analyzed as in Fig. 1b.

f, Extracts used in the replication reaction shown in e were analyzed as in d.

g, pICLPt was replicated in the indicated egg extracts with [α-32P]dATP and analyzed as in Fig. 1b.

h, Extracts used in the replication reaction shown in g were analyzed as in d. Note that deleting the C-terminal PIP box disrupts the epitope for the TRAIP antibody used for immunoblotting. Therefore, to assess the activity of TRAIPΔPIP in ICL repair relative to TRAIPWT, His6-SUMO-tagged proteins were added back to TRAIP-depleted extract and assayed in g. The relative amounts of His6-SUMO-TRAIPWT and His6-SUMO-TRAIPΔPIP were compared by detecting the histidine tag. By blotting the same extracts for TRAIP, a comparison of the relative concentrations of His6-SUMO-TRAIPΔPIP and endogenous TRAIP was made.

i, Mock- and TRAIP-depleted extracts used in the replication reactions shown in Fig. 1c and d were analyzed as in d.