(A) sEPSCs recorded from a slice of a Naïve rat (black) and a rat at 24hr withdrawal from chronic drinking in the IA2BC paradigm for two months (EtOH-WD, red). The events were eliminated by the glutamate receptor antagonists (50 μM AP5 and 20 µM DNQX). Cumulative probability plots of inter-event intervals (B1) and amplitudes of sEPSCs (C1). Summary data of frequency (B2) and amplitude (C2) of sEPSCs. (D) Spontaneous firing of LHb neurons recorded in the cell-attached mode in the absence and presence of AP5 plus DNQX in Naïve and EtOH-WD rats. (E) Firing rate of LHb neurons from Naïve and EtOH-WD rats. (F1) Firing rate of LHb neurons of Naïve and EtOH-WD rats before and after the application of AP5+DNQX. (F2) Inhibition of firing by AP5+DNQX was significantly greater in EtOH-WD rats than in Naïve rats. Data are expressed as mean ± SD. #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01 EtOH-WD compared with the naïve group, student unpaired t-test (two-tailed). &P < 0.05, &&&P < 0.001, aCSF compared with AP5+DNQX, two-way repeated-measure ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc comparison. Cell numbers in each figure are indicated.