Representative SEM images and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) spectra (insets) obtained from stones overgrown on implants – ethylene glycol water group. (a & b) DNM group: In (a), densely-packed calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) crystals (arrowhead) are organized into compact aggregates resembling those seen in stones. In (b), a random collection of tablet or plate-like COM crystals (thick arrow) are visible, with occasional interpenetrant twinning (thin arrow). (c & d) BRP-C group: In (c), conventional (faceted) COM crystals with tablet-like morphologies are seen, many that have formed clusters that likely arise from interpenetrant twinning (thin arrow). In (d), stone fragment is comprised of densely-packed radial striations, as occurs in spherulites, and which appears to have fractured at layers containing organic matrix. Scale bars are as follows: (a) 50 μm, (b) 40 μm, (c) 30 μm, (d) 30 μm