Fig. 4.
Relationships of sperm methylation alterations associated with gestation length, sire calving ease (SCE), body depth (BDE), cow conception rate (CCR). a Intersections between differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of gestation length and DMRs of SCE, BDE and CCR, respectively. P-value is calculated using a Fisher-exact test. b KEGG pathway functional enrichment of genes that are overlapped with shared DMRs in gestation length & SCE, gestation length & BDE, and gestation length & CCR, respectively. c Frequency of shared DMRs with the same (+) or opposite (−) change directions in gestation length & SCE, gestation length & BDE, and gestation length & CCR, respectively. d Comparisons of genetic correlations of gestation length & SCE, gestation length & BDE, and gestation length & CCR within their shared DMRs of same (+) or opposite (−) change directions, and over the entire genome (O), respectively