Figure 1.
Clinical investigation of B6 mice following intraspinal TMEV infection. TMEV-infected mice showed significant clinical signs (A, starting at 11 dpi) and a deterioration of motor coordination and performance (B, starting at 7 dpi) compared to mock infected animals. The following number of animals was evaluated per group: n = 25–26 from 0 to 3 dpi; n = 17–20 from 4 to 7 dpi; n = 12–14 from 8 to 28 dpi. The graphs show mean (solid line) and individual value plots indicating the clinical score of each animal consisting of the sum of scores in the categories posture and external appearance, behaviour and activity as well as gait for clinical investigation or a mean round per minute value of three consecutive measurements for rotarod analysis, respectively. Significant differences between the groups as detected by Mann-Whitney U-test are marked by asterisks (p ≤ 0.05).