Study | Reason for exclusion |
ACTRN12616001449426 | Protocol of a study that is not a RCT. |
Agarwal 2012 | Abstract only; similar micronutrients given for different durations. |
Aguayo 2005 | Not a RCT. Assessing acceptability of MMN supplements by pregnant and lactating women. |
Ahn 2006 | Comparing 2 MMN supplements. |
An 2001 | Compares different doses of iron (35 mg vs 60 mg). |
Arsenault 2010 | Includes HIV‐1 positive women. |
Asemi 2014 | Single‐blind trial comparing multivitamin vs multivitamin‐mineral. Supplements differed in composition and dose. |
Asemi 2015 | Study population is women at high risk of pre‐eclampsia. |
Azami 2016 | Study population is women with at least 1 risk factor for pre‐eclampsia. |
Beazley 2002 | Assesses vitamin C and E supplementation only. |
Bergmann 2006 | Assesses docosahexaenoic acid and fructo‐oligosaccharide. |
Biswas 1984 | Cross‐over design, measuring only serum iron levels after single doses of different vitamin formulations. |
Callaghan‐Gillespie 2017 | MMN is provided in the form of food supplements (fortified corn‐soy blend). |
Carrasco 1962 | Study has assessed the impact of D‐sorbitol on the absorption of MMNs in pregnant women. |
Caulfield 1999 | Only assesses zinc supplementation. |
Chames 2002 | Only assesses calcium supplementation. |
Choudhury 2012 | Comparing micronutrient powder (home fortification) containing iron, folic acid, vitamin C and zinc vs iron folic acid tablet to study impact on anaemia during pregnancy. |
Christian 2009 | Assesses the effectiveness of the standard of care (iron folic acid and single‐dose mebendazole) for the treatment of severe anaemia (haemoglobin < 70 g/L) along with enhanced regimens. |
Coles 2015 | Investigators utilized a quasi‐randomised method of allocation to intervention and control groups. |
Cooper 2012 | Evaluates periconceptional MMN supplementation only (no MMNs given during pregnancy) (same as Khulan 2012). |
Czeizel 1996 | Assesses periconceptional supplementation of 18 micronutrients against 4 micronutrients. |
Dawson 1987 | Assesses supplementation of 14 micronutrients against 11 micronutrients. |
Dawson 1998 | Assesses supplementation of different doses of 12 to 17 micronutrients. |
Devi 2017 | The study investigates the effect of supplemental high‐quality protein (milk) and vitamin B12 on third‐trimester methionine kinetics in pregnant women with low vitamin B12. |
Dewey 2012 | The study asesses the effect of LNS and child only micronutrient powder (MNP). |
Dieckmann 1944 | Fortification trial. |
Fall 2006 | This trial evaluates a micronutrient‐rich snack containing vegetables, fruit, and milk. |
Fawzi 1998 | Includes pregnant women who are HIV‐1 positive. |
Fernald 2016 | The study investigates the effect of various combined interventions including lipid‐based suppplementation on growth and development during pregnancy and early childhood. Does not study MMN supplements. |
Feyi‐Waboso 2005 | Parenteral preparation. |
Fleming 1986 | Only assesses iron, folate and vitamin B in different combinations. |
Godfrey 2017 | Protocol of a study that investigates the effect of a micronutrient‐enriched nutritional drink with probiotics and myo‐inositol vs. a standard supplementation drink on the maintenance of healthy glucose metabolism in mothers and promotion of offspring health. |
Goldenberg 1995 | Only assesses zinc supplementation. |
Gopalan 2004 | Evaluates effect of soya oil. |
Graham 2007 | Study has looked at the impact of vitamin A fortified rice with and without iron and riboflavin supplementation in night‐blinded women. |
Guldholt 1991 | Only assesses high‐dose vs low‐dose iron supplementation. |
Gunaratna 2015 | The study investigates the efficacy of pre‐pregnancy multivitamins with IFA to reduce the prevalence of anemia during the periconceptional period. |
Gupta 2007 | Women with BMI < 18.5 and/or haemoglobin level of 7‐9 g/dL were included. |
Hambidge 2014 | Protocol of a study comparing nutrition intervention (MMN fortified lipid‐based supplement) in pre‐conceptional and peri‐conceptional stage. |
Hillman 1963 | Only assesses pyridoxine supplementation. |
Hininger 2004 | MMN supplement did not contain iron. |
Holly 1955 | Only assesses iron and cobalt supplementation. |
Hossain 2014 | Trial evaluates the effect of vitamin D supplementation. Both groups received iron and calcium. |
Huang 2017 | Protocol of a study that investigates at the effect of complex milk lipids and different maternal milk preparations during pregnancy. |
Hunt 1983 | Only assesses zinc supplementation. |
Hunt 1985 | Only assesses zinc supplementation. |
Huybregts 2009 | Assesses impact of balanced energy, protein dietary supplement. |
Huynh 2017 | The study compares maternal nutrient supplementation as a powder and breastfeeding support vs usual care (IFA). |
Iannotti 2008 | Only assesses zinc supplementation. |
ICMR 2000 | Assesses periconceptional supplementation of folic acid containing vitamins. |
IRCT2015041321736N1 | Protocol of a study that compares vitamin D injections every 2 weeks plus multi prenatal tablet including 400 units of vitamin D daily vs multi prenatal tablet only (control). Study population is women with vitamin D deficiency. |
IRCT201704225623N109 | Protocol of a study in which the study population is women with gestational diabetes. |
ISRCTN83599025 | Protocol of a study in which the intervention arm of the study includes pregnant women with nutrient deficiencies. |
Itam 2003 | Not a randomised trial. |
Janmohamed 2016 | This study assesses the effect of prenatal corn soya blend (CSB+) vs normal diet (control) on pregnancy outcomes. |
Jarvenpaa 2007 | Fortification trial. |
Kabir 2009 | This is the same cohort as Tofail 2008. However, all pregnant women were again randomised to breastfeeding counselling or a control (standard health message) group. Effect was evaluated on anthropometric outcomes in children. |
Kable 2012 | Trial in women consuming alcohol during pregnancy evaluating effect of MMNs in ameliorating the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure in infants. |
Khavari 2014 | The trial recruited HIV positive women. |
Khulan 2012 | Evaluates periconceptional MMN supplementation only (no MMNs given during pregnancy). |
Kubik 2004 | Original papers in Polish. Translated versions of the papers show that this study is not a randomised trial. |
Kureishy 2017 | Protocol of a study that assesses the effectiveness of food‐based interventions: Wheat Soya Blend (WSB) for women during pregnancy and lactation, Wawa Mum for children 6‐23 months, Micronutrient Powders (MNP) for children 24‐59 months and Behaviour Change Communication vs. routine public health services (control) in preventing stunting in children under 5 years. |
Kynast 1986 | Study presented at a conference. Abstract does not indicate that it as a randomised trial. |
Lanou 2014 | Evaluated the effect of a lipid‐based nutrient supplement LNS. |
Leroy 2010 | The study compares a traditional food assisted MCHN program vs a newly designed approach to prevent malnutrition in children. |
Li 2014 | The study evaluates the effect of supplementation with folic acid and milk. |
Lindström 2011 | Not an RCT of MMN versus iron and or folic acid. Describes prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies at baseline and its determinants. |
Ling 1996 | Evaluating the impact of traditional Chinese tonics with nutrients. |
Lucia 2007 | Evaluating impact of docosahexaenoic acid and fructo‐oligosaccharide. |
Ma 2008 | Evaluating retinol and riboflavin supplementation. |
Magon 2014 | The trial evaluating the effect of use of fortified snacks during pregnancy. Both groups received the same micronutrients (i.e. iron, folic acid, beta‐carotene, and calcium), however, the dose of micronutrients in the intervention group was higher than the control group. |
Malvasi 2014 | Study evaluating the effect of myoinositol, d‐chiro inositol, folic acid and manganese during pregnancy on maternal blood pressure, glycaemic and cholesterol parameters. Inositol is not an essential nutrient. |
Mardones 2007 | Impact of fortification of fortified dairy product with polyunsaturated fatty acids. |
Marya 1987 | Only assesses calcium and vitamin D supplementation. |
Mathan 1979 | Assesses supplementation of vitamin C and protein. |
Menon 1962 | Not a RCT. |
Merchant 2005 | Includes pregnant women who are HIV‐1 positive. |
Merialdi 1999 | Only assesses zinc supplementation. |
Muslimatun 2001 | Only assesses vitamin A supplementation. |
Nakano 2010 | The study assesses the effect of Chlorella tablets vs control (no supplements) on pregnancy anemia and pregnancy‐induced hypertension. Does not study MMN supplements. |
NCT01795131 | Evaluated the effect of vitamin B12 only. |
NCT02802566 | Protocol of a study that investigates the efficacy of a BMI‐based prenatal vitamin in decreasing markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in pregnancies complicated by obesity. Study population is obese (BMI > 30) women. |
NCT02959125 | Study population is women with anemia, mid upper arm circumference of less than 23.5 cm, or no weight gain |
Nguyen 2012 | Protocol of a study evaluating pre‐conceptional MMN vs IFA supplements. |
Nguyen 2017 | The study compares a nutrition‐focused Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health (MNCH) program with a standard MNCH program. |
Nossier 2015 | Study population is women with low serum zinc level below the estimated median for gestational age. |
Nwagha 2010 | Micronutrients given via injection. |
Ochoa‐Brust 2007 | Assesses impact of vitamin C only. |
Olofin 2014 | The trial included HIV‐positive women. |
Otoluwa 2017 | Conference abstract; the study evaluates the effect MMN supplementation vs IFA in periconception period. |
Park 1999 | Semi‐randomized study design does not satisfy the eligibility criteria of the review. |
Patimah 2013 | Not a randomised trial. |
People's League 1946 | Quasi‐randomised trial. Women were divided into 2 groups by placing them alternately on separate lists. |
Pezzack 2014 | The study is a randomised cross‐over trial that compares the fractional calcium absorption (FCA) from enteric coated (EC) calcium carbonate granules with non‐EC granules in pregnant women. |
Ramirez‐Velez 2011 | The comparator was not eligible. The control group received calcium in addition to ferrous sulphate and folic acid. |
Robertson 1991 | Only assesses zinc supplementation. |
Rumiris 2006 | Pregnant women with superoxidedismutase (SOD) levels below 1102 U/gHb included in the study. |
Sachdeva 1993 | Evaluated calcium supplementation. |
Sagaonkar 2009 | Comparison of 4 micronutrients with 3. |
Salzano 2001 | Evaluated supplementation with calcium and fatty acids (linoleic acid, mono and poly unsaturated fatty acids) vs control. |
Schmidt 2001 | Only assesses vitamin A supplementation. |
Semba 2000 | A trial of vitamin A supplementation in HIV‐infected women. |
Suharno 1993 | Only assesses vitamin A supplementation. |
Sun 2010 | Quasi‐randomised trial. Women were allocated to 4 groups in the order of enrolment. |
Suprapto 2002 | Only assesses vitamin A and riboflavin supplementation. |
Taghizadeh 2014 | Comparing 2 different MMN supplements (13 micronutrients vs 10 micronutrients). |
Tanumihardjo 2002 | Only assesses vitamin A and iron supplementation. |
Tatala 2002 | Fortification trial. |
Thauvin 1992 | Not a randomised trial. |
Theobald 1937 | MMN supplement did not contain iron. |
Vadillo‐Ortega 2011 | Fortification trial |
Webb 2009 | Participants include HIV‐positive women. |
Wibowo 2012 | Evaluating effect of milk fortified with different doses of minerals and vitamins. |
Wijaya‐Erhardt 2011 | Evaluated weekly food provision (optimised diet) vs the control. |
Wijaya‐Erhardt 2014 | Evaluated educational intervention using a pre‐post design. |
Young 2010 | Study assessed the acceptability of a micronutrient powder (Sprinkles), a fortified food (Nutrivida), and tablets by the participants. All supplements has similar composition of micronutrients. |
Zavaleta 2000 | Only assesses zinc supplementation. |
BMI: body mass index IFA: iron and folic acid LNS: lipid‐based nutrient supplement MMN: multiple micronutrient RCT: randomised controlled trial vs: versus