Example trial sequences for (a) Experiment 1 and (b) Experiment 2. Participants were cued to covertly attend to a spatial precue that remained stable (hold trials) or dynamically shifted from one location to another (shift trials), before providing a joint continuous report of both the color and orientation of the cued target item. In split trials, participants were precued to attend to two locations simultaneously before reporting the features of the postcued target item. In Experiment 2, the four array positions could be rotated, and participants additionally reported the location of the target item (on hold and shift trials only). For each trial sequence shown here, the final panel (dotted outline) denotes which array position corresponds to the target (T), critical nontarget (N1), adjacent nontarget (N2), and diagonal nontarget (N3). On hold trials, N1 and N2 were arbitrarily assigned.