Figure 1.
The DNA methylome landscape of tea tree. (a) The landscape of DNA methylation in the first 10 chromosomes of tea. From outer to inner: TE density, gene density, and methylation of CG rep1, CG rep2, CHG rep1, CHG rep2, CHH rep1 and CHG rep2. Blue indicates high methylation levels and high gene/TE density. Red indicates low methylation and low gene/TE density. (b) DNA methylation comparison between tea and other asterids, including potato and tomato (leaf, and fruit ripening stages: 17 days post anthesis (DPA), 39DPA, 42 DPA and 52DPA). (c–e). DNA methylation patterns of gene body and flanking regions in the CG, CHG and CHH sequence contexts. (f–h) DNA methylation patterns of transposon and flanking regions in the CG, CHG and CHH sequence contexts. In all cases, −2 kb indicates the 2000 bp upstream from transcriptional start sites (TSS), and 2 kb indicates the 2000 bp downstream from transcriptional end sites (TES). Upstream regions, gene bodies and downstream regions were divided into 20 proportionally sized bins to draw the metaplot.