Features | Levels of quantization |
Comments |
Sex | 3 | 0 represents missing information |
Age | 6 | Thresholds at 40, 55, 65, 75 and 85 years old |
Race | 10 | |
Zip Code | 0 | Removed due to its vast variation |
Tobacco (Current and Ever Cigarette Use) | 2 | Indicators of tobacco use |
Diastolic Blood Pres-sure (DBP) | 3 | Level 1 if DBP < 60mmHg, Level 2 if 60mmHg ≤ DBP ≤ 90mmHg and Level 3 if DBP > 90mmHg |
Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) | 3 | Level 1 if SBP < 90mmHg, Level 2 if 90mmHg ≤ SBP ≤ 140mmHg and Level 3 if SBP > 140mmHg |
Lab Tests | 2 | Existing lab record or Non-Existing lab ecord in the specific time period |
All other dimensions | 7 | Thresholds are set to 0.01%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 40% and 70% of the maximum value of each dimension |