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. 2019 Mar 15;11:50. doi: 10.1186/s13148-019-0643-z

Table 7.

Statistical analyses of overall survival

Overall survival
HR 95% confidence interval p value
Univariate analysis
  Sex (male vs female) 0.887 0.396–1.987 0.770
  Age (< 60 vs 60+) 1.461 0.625–3.414 0.381
 Cytogenetic/clinical factors
  Risk groups (favorable vs intermediate vs adverse) 2.325 1.183–4.569 0.014
  FLT3 (WT vs mutated) 1.282 0.474–3.466 0.624
  Response (NR vs CR) 0.213 0.089–0.509 0.001
  WBC count (low vs high) 1.168 0.514–2.650 0.711
  LDH level (low vs high) 0.242 0.101–0.584 0.002
  CG6 (low vs high) 0.894 0.386–2.068 0.793
  CG7 (low vs high) 0.380 0.157–0.917 0.031
  CG8 (low vs high) 0.762 0.335–1.731 0.516
  CG9 (low vs high) 0.331 0.136–0.805 0.015
  DLK1 (low vs high) 3.212 1.096–9.413 0.033
  MEG3 (low vs high) 2.294 0.819–6.421 0.114
  DLK1/MEG3 (low vs high) 0.668 0.247–1.808 0.428
Multivariate analysis
  CG7 (low vs high) 0.533 0.185–1.538 0.245
  CG9 (low vs high) 0.294 0.092–0.935 0.038
  DLK1 (low vs high) 1.758 0.467–6.615 0.404

Low or high refers to values either lower or higher than median calculated for all AML patients included in this study. HR hazard rate, FLT3 FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3, NR non-responders, CR complete remission