Table 1. Multilevel Regression Models on MVPA.
(M1) | (M2) | (M3) | (M4) | |||
FIXED EFFECTS Coefficients | Conditions | β1 (IV) | 2.32 (1.36) [-0.34, 4.98] |
2.30 (1.37) [-0.38, 4.97] |
1.85 (1.66) [-1.41, 5.11] |
1.80 (1.68) [-1.49, 5.09] |
β2 (IND) | 2.69 (1.43) [-0.13, 5.50] |
3.81** (1.18) [1.50, 6.12] |
2.12 (1.87) [-1.54, 5.77] |
4.37** (1.42) [1.60, 7.15] |
β3 (DI) | 4.30** (1.66) [1.05, 7.56] |
3.47 (2.10) [-0.66, 7.59] |
β4 (TE) | 4.93** (1.50) [1.99, 7.88] |
8.77*** (2.11) [4.63, 12.92] |
β5 (fem) | -14.27*** (2.47) [-19.12, -9.43] |
-14.34*** (2.47) [-19.19, -9.50] |
-13.79*** (2.38) [-18.46, -9.12] |
-14.11*** (2.54) [-19.10, -9.13] |
Interactions | β105 (IV*fem) | 1.03 (2.01) [-2.92, 4.98] |
1.03 (2.02) [-2.92, 5.00] |
β205 (IND*fem) | 1.08 (2.23) [-3.29, 5.45] |
-1.029 (1.448) [-3.87, 1.181] |
β305(DI*fem) | 1.97 (2.83) [-3.57, 7.52] |
β405 (TE*fem) | -6.24* (2.46) [-11.06, -1.43] |
β0 (Constant) | 7.01 (3.58) [0.004, 14.02] |
7.35* (3.62) [0.26, 14.44] |
6.67 (3.54) [-0.27, 13.61] |
7.24* (3.63) [-0.14, 14.35] |
Model Stats | Observations | 9776 | 9776 | 9776 | 9776 | |
Wald χ2 | 2063.2 | 2057.4 | 2078.1 | 2059.0 | ||
pvalue< | 0.0001 | 0.0001 | 0.0001 | 0.0001 |
Notes: Minutes of Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA) is the dependent variable in all models. Standard errors and 95% confidence interval in parentheses and brackets respectively. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Four different dummies, one for each different condition (IV-individual, DI-Direct Reciprocity, IND-Indirect reciprocity, TE-Team rewards) and their interaction with sex (in M3 and M4) are included in the fixed part of the model. Control (valid time, date) variables, random effects parameters and residuals as described in eq.1, are omitted from the table for facilitating illustration. In M2 and M4, variables IND, DI, TE are collapsed to one variable (social rewards).