1 | Basidiomata clavarioid | Scytinopogon |
– | Basidiomata resupinate or stipitate hydnoid | 2 |
2 | Hymenophore poroid | 3 |
– | Hymenophore non-poroid | 4 |
3 | Basidiospores smooth | Porpomyces |
– | Basidiospores ornamented | Trechispora p.p. |
4 | Basidiomata brown | Luellia |
– | Basidiomata light coloured | 5 |
5 | Cystidia present, large and distinct | 6 |
– | Cystidia absent or indistinct | 8 |
6 | Cystidia distinctly dextrinoid in Melzer’s reagent | Dextrinocystis |
– | Cystidia negative or amyloid in Melzer’s reagent | 7 |
7 | Cystidia regularly encrusted with rectangular crystals | Subulicystidium |
– | Cystidia usually covered with dendroid hyphae | Tubulicium |
8 | Generative hyphae with ampullate septa | Trechispora p.p. |
– | Generative hyphae without ampullate septa | 9 |
9 | Subhymenial hyphae isodiametric | Brevicellicium |
– | Subhymenial hyphae not isodiametric | 10 |
10 | Hyphal system dimitic; basidia with 4 sterigmata | Fibrodontia |
– | Hyphal system monomitic; basidia with 4–8 sterigmata | Sistotremastrum |