Figure 2: High dimensional analysis of mass cytometry data shows elevated expression of markers of activation and exhaustion on CD3+ PD-1+ TILs and markers of activation and antigen experience on CD3+ PD-1+ PBMCs from malignant glioma patients.
A) A PCA plot showing CD3+ PD-1+ TILs (green dots) and PBMCs (red dots). Each dot represents an individual patient.
B) tSNE plots showing which clusters the CD3+ PD-1+ TILs were grouped in (green box) and which clusters the CD3+ PD-1+ PBMCs were grouped into (red box) by the clustering algorithm.
C) The median expression levels of various activation markers in TILs (green dots) and PBMCs (red dots). The same tSNE plot as (B) was colored to show which cells expressed the particular marker (*P≤0.05, **P≤0.005, ***P≤0.0005).
D) Antigen Experience/Memory markers.
E) Exhaustion markers.
F) A heat map of the median expression pattern for each of the exhaustion, activation, and memory/antigen experience markers for each individual patient.