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. 2019 Mar 3;2019:6567850. doi: 10.1155/2019/6567850

Table 2.

Clinical and laboratory screening of 52 cirrhotic patients with AKI.

Characteristics n (%)

Child-Pugh Score (Average) 10,1(±2,2)
Child-Pugh Classification (A/B/C) 1(1,9%)/19(36,5%/32(62,5%)
MELD (Average) 21,9(±7,0)
MELD-Na (Average) 24,5(±6,7)
ICA-AKI Stages
 1 30(57,7%)
 2 16 (30,8%)
 3 6(11,5%)
Causes of AKI
 Infection 22(42,3%)
 Hypovolemia 15(28,8%)
 Hepatorenal syndrome 5(9,6%)
 Nephropathy 3(5,8%)
 Miscellaneous 3(5,8%)
 Multiple 4(7,7%)
Creatinine (mg/dL) (Average) 2,12 (±0,9)
Total bilirrubin (mg/dL) (Average) 3,15(0,3-23,9)
Albumin (g/dL) (Average) 2,5(±0,4)
INR (Average) 1,7(1,0-6,9)
Sodium (mEq/L) (Average) 133,8 (±5,1)
C-Reactive Protein (mg/L) (Average) 10,1(±2,2)

ICA-AKI, International Club of Ascites–Acute Kidney Injury.