Fig. 3. Effects of dilution and DTT on the inhibition of ebselen (Ebs) on CpHK.
(A) In the inhibitor dilution assay, pre-incubation of ebselen (100 μM) with CpHK on ice for 10 min followed by 50-fold dilution with the addition of other reaction components had no effect on the inhibition of ebselen on CpHK (experimental group 3; vs. group 2 without premix). Group 1 was the positive control without ebselen. (B) In the DTT assay, pre-incubation of DTT (100 mM) and CpHK only slightly affected the enzyme activity (group 2) compared with group 3 in which ebselen inhibited CpHK in the absence of DTT. DTT blocked the inhibition of ebselen on CpHK (group 4) and partially reversed ebselen inhibition without its prior incubation with CpHK (group 5). Group 1 was the positive control without ebselen. Bars represent standard errors of the mean (SEMs) derived from at least three replicated reactions.