Figure 1. RNA-seq analysis of the migrating cardiac neural crest.
(A-B) Immunostaining showing GFP reporter expression at stage HH12 (A) in the post-otic region (B), after electroporation at stage HH4; (B) is a higher magnification picture of the embryo shown in (A), the dashed line delimits the axial level isolated for cell sorting. White arrows point to otic vesicle. (C) Immunostaining with HNK-1 of a transverse section confirmed the neural crest identity of GFP-positive cells in the post-otic region (arrowheads). (D) Plot showing fluorescence intensities of cells pooled to form the GFP-positive (blue) and GFP-negative (red) sorted populations. (E) Volcano plot showing differential expression data obtained after comparison of RNA-seq data obtained from GFP+ and GFP- cell populations. (F) Venn diagrams showing overlap of upregulated gene lists obtained for cardiac or cranial (Simões-Costa et al., 2014) neural crest cell populations. (G) Bar plots showing top hits for annotated genes enriched in the cardiac neural crest, after excluding genes also present in cranial neural crest cells. (H) Classification of proteins encoded by genes upregulated in the cardiac neural crest. (I) GO terms highly associated with cardiac neural crest genes.