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. 2019 Feb 7;39(3):375–394. doi: 10.1177/0271678X19827446

Table 2.

Advantages of large animal models for neurointerventional research.

Small animal Large animal Human References
Brain Size Small Large Large 10,14,113
Encephalization quotient (EQ) 0.4 (rat), 0.5 (mouse) 0.8 (sheep), 1.2 (dog) and 2.1 (rhesus monkey) 6.56 113,114
Anatomy Lissencephalic Mouse: GM/WM: 90%/10% Rat: GM/WM: 88%/12% Soft tentorium cerebelli Gyrencephalic Dog: GM/WM: 63%/37% Sheep: GM/WM: 70%/30% rhesus monkey: GM/WM: 68%/32% Rigid tentorium cerebelli Gyrencephalic Gray matter: 55% White matter: 45% Rigid tentorium cerebelli 14,10,115117,112
Vascular supply Similar to humans Dog, rabbit, NHP: similar to humans tortuosity of canine ICA Sheep, pig, cat: rete mirabile (sheep, cat: ICA, pig: ascending pharyngeal artery) Internal carotid artery (ICA), basiliary artery 40,46,42,72,118,119
Vessel Size Rat: MCA diameter 0.35–0.58 mm Diameter often too small for endovascular approaches Similar to humans e.g. dog: MCA diameter 2–3.5 mm Diameter large enough for endovascular access MCA diameter 2.7–3.5 mm 89,95,10,12,120124
physiology Similar to humans Similar to humans, e.g.: degree of vasospasm (dog) fibrinolytic response (rabbit) platelet response (NHP) 89,121,42
Circle of Willis (CW) Rat, mouse: similar to humans, except missing anterior communicating artery Dog, rabbit, monkey: similar to humans, except missing anterior communicating artery and single median anterior cerebral artery (ACA) Sheep and swine: different to humans: internal carotid artery forms large part of CW, irregular anterior communicating artery Main arteries: internal carotid artery, vertebral artery contributing arteries: anterior cerebral artery, anterior communicating artery, posterior cerebral artery, posterior communicating artery, basilar artery Incidence of complete circle of Willis: 37.1% (overalls); 43.8% (females); 31.2% (male) Most frequent of 28 variations of CW: absent posterior communicating artery (right side: 15.3%; left side: 10.9%; bilaterally: 17.1%) 125129
Imaging Dedicated small animal scanners required Clinical systems applicable Clinical systems available
X-ray-based Possible (angiography, CT) Possible (angiography, fluoroscopy, CT) Standard routine 130,77,12,131,132
Radionuclide Possible (PET, SPECT) Possible (PET, SPECT) Standard routine 133,134
Nuclear magnetic resonance Possible (NMR, MRI) Possible (NMR, MRI) Standard routine 135,77
Ultrasound Possible, but rarely performed Possible Standard routine 136
Physiological parameter assessment Recording More challenging Easy Standard routine 76,137,9,138
Instrumentation Requires specialized device configuration Human appliances can be used Standard routine 76,137,9,138
Simultaneous recording Restricted Possible, multiple parameters Standard routine 76,137,9,138

ICA: internal carotid artery; NHP: non-human-primate; ACA: anterior cerebral artery; CT: computed tomography; PET: positron emission tomography; SPECT: single photon emission computed tomography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance; GM: grey matter; WM: white matter.