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. 2019 Mar 11;10:277. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00277

Table 3.

Impact of SCFAs on intestinal homeostasis.

Cell type Model SCFAs Effect Mechanism References
Epithelial cells Cell lines Caco-2 Butyrate 2 mM TEER, ZO-1, occludin Activation of AMPK Inhibition of MLCK/MLC2 pathway and phosphorylationof PKCβ2 (77, 78)
Butyrate 5 mM ↑ TEER, claudin-7, claudin-2 Not determined (79)
Caco-2, T84 Butyrate 5 mM Propionate 20 mM ↑ TEER,
↓ Claudin-2
Induction of IL-10RA through STAT3 activation and HDAC inhibition (80)
Cdx2-IEC Butyrate 4 mM ↑ TEER, claudin-1, ZO-1, occludin Induction of Claudin-1 transcription through SP1 (81)
IPEC-J2 Butyrate 1 mM ↓ LPS impairment of intestinal barrier
↑ Claudin 3 and claudin 4
Activation of Akt/mTOR signaling (82)
CCD841, KM12L4, and HCT116 Butyrate 1 mM Blockade of LPS-induced NF-κB Activation of GPR109A (66)
Primary cells Colon culture Butyrate 0.5 mM ↑ IL-18 mRNA and protein Activation of GPR109A (68)
Mouse small intestine organoids Acetate, propionate and butyrate 5 mM Fiaf, Hdac3, Hdac5
↓ Gpr43, Pparγ
Not determined (70)
Acetate, propionate and butyrate 0.5 mM ↑Promotion of organoids development Activation of GPR41 or GPR43 and MEK-ERK signaling (69)
Immune cells Cell lines RAW 264.7 Sodium butyrate (NaB), sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPB) and sodium phenylacetate (NaPA) 0.5–1 mM ↑ IL-10
↓ IFN-γ-induced iNOS, TNF-α, IL-6
Inhibition of NF-κB and ERK signaling pathways (83)
Primary cells Human LP macrophages Butyrate enemas 100 mM ↓ Inhibition of NF-κB translocation Not determined (84)
Human monocytes Acetate, propionate and butyrate 0.2–20 mM ↑ PGE2
↓ MCP-1, IL-10
Activation of PTX-sensitive GPCRs (61)
PBMC Acetate, propionate and butyrate 0.2–20 mM ↓ LPS-induced TNF-α and IFN-γ Not determined
Human monocyte-derived DCs Propionate and butyrate 1 mM ↓ LPS-induced chemokines and cytokines (CXCL9-CXCL11), cytokines (IL-6 and IL-12p40) Not determined (62)
Mouse LP macrophages and BMDM Butyrate 0.1–2 mM ↓ LPS-induced mediators NO, IL-6, IL-12p40 Inhibition of HDACs (67)
Mouse DCs Butyrate 0.125–2 mM ↑ Foxp3+CD4+ T cells Inhibition of HDACs (85)
Mouse LP macrophages and DCs Butyrate 0.5 mM ↑ Foxp3+CD4+ T cells Activation of GPR109A (68)
Mouse T cells Propionate butyrate 0.1 mM ↑ Foxp3 and IL-10 in naïve CD4+ T cells Activation of GPR43 and Inhibition of HDACs (64, 86)
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