Phylogenetic relatedness of the APEC isolates and nine reference strains (accession numbers: 1, CP006830; 2, CP007442; 3, NC_008563; 4, CP013048; 5, CP004009; 6, AE014075; 7, CP006784; 8, U00096; 9, CP007275), as determined by PhyloSift in combination with FastTree. The tree is midpoint rooted. Red tip labels indicate isolates from the present study, while those shown in black are the reference strains. The STs and e-serotypes of isolates have been appended to their names (e.g. A5_ST117_O111:H4). The coloured bands encircling sections of the tree indicate the phylogroups into which isolates were categorized. Asterisks in sample names indicate low read depth at one or more loci for a given MLST/O-type/H-type (see for more information).