NanoLuc complementation measurement of interaction between Gαi1 and GPCRs linked to SmBiT, NP, or HiBiT peptides in living cells. NanoLuc activity kinetics measured in HEK293 cells co-expressing Gαi1–LgB91 and GPCRs linked to three different small peptides are indicated in each panel. A–C, D2, H3, and SUCNR1 linked to SmBiT; D–F, D2, H3, and SUCNR1 linked to NP; G–I, D2, H3, and SUCNR1 linked to HiBiT, before and after injection of their respective ligand (dopamine 1 μm, imetit 100 nm, and succinate 1 mm). Results are expressed as the normalization of the NanoLuc signal in the presence of agonist to the signal in the absence of agonist. Data are representative of the mean ± S.E. of at least three independent experiments.