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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Nutr Educ Behav. 2019 Feb;51(2):138–149. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2018.10.011

Table 4.

Lessons Learned from the Strong Hearts, Healthy Communities Program: Focus Group (n=46) and Interview (n=15) Responses

Theme 1: Positive Aspects of Overall Program
Subtheme Respondent Selected Quotes
Thorough and
and participants
“I just thought it was a fantastic program…as far as how
it was organized and the content material…you know, it
covered a wide range of topics...and it was all very well
put together and very well done.” (Participant_MT_01)
Participants “…in the beginning, I thought there was no way I could
do this twice a week for six months. And then, it was just
so much fun! I hated it if I had to miss one! Just the
support…it really provided the motivation I needed to
make changes.” (Participant_MT_01)
Dedication of
leaders and
and participants
[Leaders were] very supportive! If anyone seemed
like…they were having trouble with anything, they’d
always stop and check with you to make sure that
everything was okay. (Participant_NY_08)
“Having a…co-leader was...amazing, and I would not
have been able to do it without her.” (Leader_MT_05)
Theme 2: Negative Aspects of Overall Program
Subtheme Respondent Selected Quotes
class time
and participants
So often there wasn’t time to go through the
curriculum...and even when we could go through the
curriculum...there just wasn’t enough make it
really meaningful or powerful to them.” (Leader_MT_03)
Limited social
influence and
and participants
“I think the friends and family part of it would have been
much bigger in our community if we stressed to them how
much they needed to be doing this at home. It wasn’t just
come to the class and do it, but try to bring it home with
you…this is not a two day a week lifestyle change, it’s a
seven day a week lifestyle change.”
“I don’t know how effective it [social support content]
was for the women...a lot of them have stress in their lives
that I can’t even relate to…A big problem for our
participants was that their husbands, or their families,
refused to eat healthy… so they ended up having to make
two dinners. And so it’s always this constant difficulty for
them.” (Coordinator_MT_03)
Theme 3: Recommendations for Overall Program
Subtheme Respondent Selected Quotes
class time
and participants
“…the class was not long enough, [laugh] was
supposed to be an hour...but, it was just not enough time.
Most of the time it averaged I would say an hour and a
half...and it didn’t seem to bother them. So, I think if
you’re going to have the education piece and the exercise definitely need to have more than just an hour.”
“One of the things I would see as a change in the program
would be to have more time for the discussion
groups…When we got into having a half-hour of aerobic
exercise and then fifteen minutes of strength training, it
didn’t really leave any time to discuss all the stuff that was
in the book.” (Participant_NY_07)
and participants
“The food portion…such as meal planning and…dealing
with family, that was more towards the end of the
curriculum...that would be a great thing just to start out
with. That way they’re trying to make those changes from
the beginning.” (Coordinator_MT_04)
goal setting
Leaders/coordinators “…I think that the goals are very important. But we didn’t
follow through with the goals! To me if I was changing the
curriculum, every week we would have had a goal. You set
your goals, and you...look at your neighbor and say,
“Here’s my goals.” Then you follow back up on them.”
Theme 4: Positive Aspects of Physical Activity Components
Subtheme Respondent Selected Quotes
and participants
“I’m just glad you introduced us to the walking
videos…in the winter, to go outside and walk … I guess
you could do it, but if it’s icy or something you’re not
going to. And those videos they really give you what you
need, and by the time you’re done that thirty minutes
doesn’t seem like thirty minutes!” (Participant_MT_03)
Peer support
Participants “And I know it’s a lot easier to do lunges and squats with
that group than it is when I’m [laugh] by myself, I’m like,
„Oh yep, seven, I’m done.‟” (Participant_MT_02)
Fitbit usage Participants “My motivation was the Fitbit...because I have been
dealing with my illness for two years, and it pulled me out
of a... slump, because it gave me a reason to move...and I
did not, honest to God, quit until I hit that ten thousand
steps, every day, was the greatest thing.”
Theme 5: Negative Aspects of Physical Activity Components
Subtheme Respondent Selected Quotes
and participants
“In the aerobic dance, they’re moving across the floor in
different directions…and people would get a little
discombobulated... you’re not really working out, you’re
just trying to stay where you’re supposed to be...people
weren’t able to follow that quite as easily, so it got a little
off-track.” (Leader_MT_02)
and difficult
Leaders/coordinators “So, for weights... when we were following the
curriculum it was sporadic, so you might do... bicep
curls, squats, and lunges today, but then we didn‟t do
those three things again over the next month. And so,
those women unless they were doing them at home, didn’t
gain any benefit from just doing their reps that one day.”
Theme 6: Recommendations for Physical Activity Components
Subtheme Respondent Selected Quotes
variety and
and participants
“It would be nice to get into a pattern…if we’re meeting
on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we’re going to go through
and we’re going to do all of these exercises...maybe we
have to whittle it down a little but we’re going to do all of
them twice a week, so that way they get a consistent
benefit.” (Coordinator_MT_02)
“I guess there could have been a little more variety... We
bought some videos ourselves, and a lot of us had
different ones... Maybe that could have been something...
a few time have members bring in the videos they
like...Just to mix it up a little.” (Participant_MT_06)
Leaders/coordinators “And some of them weren’t get, or able to get
down on the ground, so having alternatives for those
folks, I mean even though the goal is to give them the
confidence that if they...did fall or anything, they could get
back up and to try to build some of that...balance and
coordination.” (Leader_NY_07)
Theme 7: Positive Aspects of Nutrition Education
Subtheme Respondent Selected Quotes
Awareness of
Participants “It just makes you more aware, and you’re...reading
labels more...thinking more about...portion size…and
what you’re eating...those kinds of, yes, it was
worthwhile!” (Participant_NY_07)
Exposure to
new foods
Participants “You know, they made a lot of snacks that I enjoyed, that
I wouldn’t have thought about eating...that were really
quite good, and I probably wouldn’t have tried them if I
would have just read the recipe...but after trying them I
definitely would have made some of them.”
Theme 8: Negative Aspects of Nutrition Education
Subtheme Respondent Selected Quotes
Leaders/coordinators “…they took so much of our time to prepare... we were
having to use what would have regularly been office time
and after hours‟ time... so that we could get them to the
class every night.” (Leader_MT_04)
Leaders/coordinators “I think we gave out a lot of information, and I think we
needed to be a little more proactive…we just gave out
information, but there wasn‟t a whole lot of
accountability, so it was like “Here‟s this, do what you
will with it” …So a lot of people they close their binders,
they go home, that‟s the end of it.” (Leader_MT_02)
food access
and participants
“In a rural area…we don’t quite have access to all the
healthier type foods…When you go into the big cities the
produce department is humungous…in my community,
it‟s probably about a twenty-foot section [laugh] that’s
about four-foot deep...And it’s expensive, a lot of fresh
produce around here is expensive.” (Participant_MT_03)
Theme 9: Recommendations for Nutrition Education
Subtheme Respondent Selected Quotes
Sharing food
and participants
“...we’re going to continue in September, start up again,
just cause summer’s busy, and they were willing to
<bring snacks>... Especially now that the funds aren’t
there...that’ll be excellent for our group.”
Participants “...we all knew a lot of the information but when
somebody would say, „Oh! This has really worked for
me!‟… there was a lot of ideas on getting your water
intake...some people were really struggling with that…
and I don’t know, we got a lot from each other”