Top. Data represents biological replicates using transiently transfected nuclear sensor and nuclear cpVenus in HeLa cells. Data are arranged for input into STATA14 statistical software. “0” represents cells treated with 0 nM FK866. “1” represents cells treated with 10 nM FK866. The fl values represent the geometric mean from 488/405 nm fluorescence ratio of the healthy, single HeLa cells measured by cytometry. “experiment”, biological replicate; “fl”, 488/405 nm geometric mean fluorescent value; “treatment”, +/− 10 nM FK866; “sensor”, +/− nuclear NAD+ sensor.
Bottom. Calculated statistical interaction table from STATA14 using REML. The p-value for the ratio of ratios across replicates (bold red) is reported under the statistical interaction “_IsenXtre_1_1”. This represents the fluorescence change following FK866 treatment in the nuclear sensor, relative to changes in cpVenus. Calculating the exponential of the coefficient value, “Coef.”, represents the mean fold-change in fluorescence for the ratio of ratios across replicates. i.e. e^(0.42) = 1.52, 95% CI (e^0.25 – e^0.59) = 95% CI (1.28 to 1.80), p<0.001.
The fluorescence change following FK866 treatment in nuclear cpVenus across replicates is represented by “_Itreatment_1”: e^(coef) = e^(0.03) = 1.03, p=0.629.
To calculate the average fluorescent change in the nuclear sensor independent of cpVenus, combine the “treatment” and “sensor X treatment interaction” using the lincom command (step 50). The combined values (blue) represents the change in the sensor: e^(coef) = e^(0.45) = 1.57, 95% CI (1.39 to 1.77), p<0.001.