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. 2019 Jan 18;49(4):565–586. doi: 10.1007/s40279-019-01052-6

Table 2.

Study characteristics

Study, year Sex, age (years) Sport Level Task (A/UA) Instruction given Fatigue protocol (C/P) Study design Measure of fatigue Outcome measures
Single-leg drop vertical jump
 Coventry et al., 2006 [36] 10 M (23.8 ± 2.4) Physically active Recreational (i.e., at least 30 min, most days of the week) Max single-leg CMJ after landing (A) Instructed to perform a series of jumps on a force plate Cycles of landing, CMJ, 5 single-leg squats to 90° knee flexion (C) Repeated cycles until fatigued Until participants ‘could not stick the next landing’ vGRF peak and loading rate
Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT angle IC, peak. and RoM
Hip, knee, ankle peak angular velocity, peak FLEX/EXT moment, and peak negative power
 Benjaminse et al., 2008 [37] 15 M (22.7 ± 1.6)/15 F (22.1 ± 1.7) Healthy and physically active (aerobic exercise) Recreational (i.e., at least three times a week for at least 30 min/d) Single-leg standing stop jump immediately followed by a max effort vertical jump (A) Instructed on proper start position, single-leg landing on the force plate and maximum effort vertical jump Treadmill: 3-min warm-up 2 mph, 3-min incr. speed (5–8 mph), incr. grade with 2.5% every 2 min (C) 5 jumps, fatigue protocol, 5 jumps Until ‘subject could not run anymore at maximum effort’ Knee FLEX/EXT angle IC and peak
Hip IR/ER angle IC and peak
Knee ABD/ADD angle IC and peak
 Tamura et al., 2016 [38] 34 F (20.7 ± 1.8) NA NA Single-leg drop vertical jump (A) Testing sequence was shown by an assistant researcher Bike ergometer 100W 5 min (C) 5 single-leg drop vertical jumps, fatigue protocol, 5 single-leg drop vertical jumps Until exceeding 17 on Borg scale Knee FLEX/EXT angle peak
 Lessi et al., 2017 [39] 20 M (22.8 ± 2.9) Anyone participating in aerobic or athletic activity Recreational (i.e., at least three times a week) Single-leg drop vertical jump (A) Instructed to hold arms across their chest, step off box without jumping up, stepping down or losing balance, and land with the dominant limb + no verbal or visual clues were given for the landing techniques at any time 10 bilateral squats (90 knee flexion), 2 bilateral max effort vertical jumps and 20 steps (31-cm-high stair) (C) 3 single-leg drop vertical jumps, fatigue protocol, 3 single-leg drop vertical jumps Until hop distance was reduced at least by 20% Hip, knee FLEX/EXT, ABD/ADD angle IC, and peak
 Tamura et al., 2017 [40] 34 F (20.7 ± 1.8) NA NA Single-leg drop vertical jump (A) Testing sequence was shown by an assistant researcher Bike ergometer 100W 5 min (C) 5 single-leg drop vertical jumps, fatigue protocol, 5 single-leg drop vertical jumps Until exceeding 17 on Borg scale Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT angle peak, IC, 40 ms after IC, at vGRF
Single-leg drop landing
 Madigan et al., 2003 [42] 12 M (27.9 ± 5.4) Subjects who were physically active Recreational Single-leg drop landing (A) Instructed to land on a visual target placed 33 cm from the front edge of the elevated platform using a toe-to-heel strategy Single-leg squats (C) Single-leg drop landing, 2 single-leg squats, single-leg drop landing, until fatigued Until subjects felt their right knee would collapse upon the next landing vGRF peak, impulse and max loading rate
Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT angle IC, and peak
Hip, knee, and ankle angular impulse
 Kernozek et al., 2008 [43] 16 M (23.8 ± 0.4)/14 F (23.0 ± 0.9) 1 or more sports, such as tennis, basketball, volleyball, and soccer Recreational (i.e., at least two times a week) Single-leg 50-cm drop landing (A) Instructed to land as normally and as comfortably as possible without falling, losing balance, stepping off the plate, or touching the ground with either hand Sets squats (60% of 1 RM) (C) 6 single-leg drop landings, fatigue protocol, 6 single-leg drop landings Until failure occurred (when they had completed 4 or more sets and could no longer lift the weight) Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT angle, and moment peak hip, knee, ankle ABD/ADD angle and moment peak vGRF
 Kellis and Kouvelioti, 2009 [44] 10 M (24.3 ± 1.25)/10 F (23.5 ± 1.43) Physical education students NA Single-leg drop landing from 30-cm height (A) Instructed to perform several single-leg landings from a 30-cm drop height on the force plate with hand on the hips + no verbal or visual reinforcement was provided during the tests 2 sets of consecutive concentric efforts of the knee extensors or flexors on a dynamometer (P) 10-min cycle warm-up, jumps, first part fatigue protocol, jumps, second part fatigue protocol, jumps Until the subjects could no longer produce 30% of the maximum moment Hip, knee FLEX/EXT angle IC, and peak
 McLean and Samorezov, 2009 [45] 20 F (19.2 ± 1.7) Volleyball, soccer, and basketball NCAA Division 1 Single-leg drop landing (UA) Instructed to perform one of three randomly ordered jump landings, with the jump initiated from a stationary starting position located 2 m behind the force plates Set of 3 single-leg squats immediately followed by a randomized landing trial (C) Performing 6 jumps (un)anticipated, fatigue protocol, performing 6 jumps (un)anticipated Until subjects could no longer complete three sequential squats unassisted Hip, knee FLEX/EXT angle IC, and PS
Hip IR/ER angle IC and PS
Knee ABD/ADD and IR/ER angle PS
Hip, knee FLEX/EXT and IR/ER moment PS Knee ABD/ADD moment PS
 Brazen et al., [41] 2010 12 M (21.3 ± 2.8)/12 F (19.5 ± 1.7) Collegiate or club athletics or actively participated in intramural university sports NA Single-leg drop landing (A) Instructed on how to perform a single-leg drop landing onto a force plate in a natural position Agility drills, side-to-side bounds, minitrampoline jumps, minihurdle hops, vertical jumps (C) 3 jumps, 4-min warm-up on a cycle ergometer and stretching exercises, fatigue protocol, 3 jumps 6 rounds of the fatigue protocol or when they felt unable or if any visible signs of exhaustion were shown including but not limited to shortness of breath, chest pain, or confusion Time to stabilization
Knee, ankle FLEX/EXT angle IC
Knee ABD/ADD angle IC
 Patrek et al., 2011 [46] 20 F (21.0 ± 1.3) Participating in aerobic or athletic activity At least three times a week for at least 30 min/d/7 athletes were NCAA Division III track-and-field Single-leg drop landing (A) Instructed to land as comfortably and normally as possible without falling over, stepping off the force platform, or touching the ground with either their hands or non-dominant leg Hip abductor fatigue protocol (P) Baseline strength test, 5 jumps, fatigue protocol, 5 jumps Borg RPE of 19 or greater (on a 6–20 scale) and when failed to touch the bar on 2 consecutive repetitions at the proper tempo Hip, knee FLEX/EXT angle, ABD/ADD angle IC and 60ms after IC
Hip, knee FLEX/EXT and ABD/ADD moment IC and 60ms after IC
 Thomas et al., 2011 [47] 16 F (18–22) Recreationally active volunteers Recreational Single-leg drop landing (A) Instructed to jump forward off both legs over a box and land with the dominant limb centered on force platform Hip rotators fatigue protocol, ipsilateral triceps surae fatigue protocol (P) 3 jumps, fatigue protocol, 3 jumps When the first five maximum voluntary concentric contractions of any given set were performed 80% below the baseline peak
torque measure
Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT angle IC, and PS
Hip, knee ABD/ADD and IR/ER angle PS and IC
Ankle INV/EV angle IC and PS
Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT, ABD/ADD, IR/ER
moment PS
Ankle moment INV/EV PS
 Liederbach et al., 2014 [48] 20 M (22.0 ± 2.0)/20 F (20.0 ± 2.0) 40 dancers and 40 team sport athletes NA Single-leg drop landing (A) NA 50 step-ups on 30-cm box and 15 max effort single-leg vertical jumps (C) Single-leg drop landing, fatigue protocol, single-leg drop landing Until a 10% decrement in maximum vertical jump height Hip, knee FLEX/EXT, ABD/ADD angle IC and peak Knee ABD/ADD moment IC and peak Knee FLEX/EXT moment peak Hip IR/ER ankle IC and peak Hip IR/ER moment peak
Single-leg hop for distance
 Augustsson et al., 2006 [34] 8 M (31.0 ± 6.0) Generally physically active NA Single-leg hop for distance (A) Instructed to hop forward as far as possible and to land on the same leg + allowed to swing arms freely Consecutive unilateral knee extension with a load of 50% and 80% of 1 RM (P) Single-leg hops, fatigue protocol, jumps, 3-min recovery, jumps Until failure occured Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT angle peak
Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT moment peak
Hip, knee, ankle generated power
 Orishimo and Kremenic, 2006 [49] 13 (33.9 ± 7.2) NA NA Single-leg hop for distance (A) NA At least two sets of 50 step-ups (C) Single-leg hops for distance, fatigue protocol, single-leg hop for distance, until 80% of their pre-fatigue max distance 80% maximum hop
Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT range
Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT moment peak
Hip, knee, ankle peak power
Peak vGRF
 Thomas et al., 2010 [50] 13 M (20.31 ± 0.85)/12 F (20.33 ± 1.33) Recreational volunteers Recreational Single-leg hop for distance (A) Instructed to jump forward off and land on their dominant leg on the force platform Alternating QH MVCC (P) 3 hops, fatigue protocol, 3 hops Until the torque measured in both muscle groups dropped below 50% Hip, knee FLEX/EXT angle and moment IC and peak vGRF Hip, knee ABD/ADD angle and moment IC and peak vGRF
Hip, knee IR/ER angle and moment IC and peak vGRF
Sidestep cutting
 Sanna and O’Connor, 2008 [51] 12 F (20.1 ± 1.2) Soccer NCAA Division 1 Sidestep cutting (A) Instructed to cut at 45° with the stance foot landing on the force plate Intermittent shuttle run test (60 min) (C) Preliminary: 20-m progressive shuttle run test, practice CMJ and SCM, 5 + 3 jumps, fatigue protocol, 5 + 3 jumps 60 min for each subject Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT, ABD/ADD and IR/ER angle at peak and RoM
Hip, knee, ankle FLEX/EXT, ABD/ADD and IR/ER moment at peak
 Lucci et al., 2011 [52] 15 F (19.2 ± 0.8) Soccer NCAA Division 1 Unanticipated sidestep cutting (UA) Receiving visual cue of two soccer scenarios, the ball cutting to one side and the ball stopping FAST-FP and SLO-FP (C) 5 jumps, fatigue protocol, 5 jumps SLO-FP: When the participants felt they were maximally fatigued and could no longer continue running FAST-FP: The subjects had to perform a total of four sets of the fatiguing protocol with no rest in between Hip FLEX/EXT and IR/ER angle at IC, PS, PVGRF and PPGRF
Knee FLEX/EXT and ABD/ADD moment at IC and PS
Hip ABD/ADD moment at IC
 Cortes et al., 2013 [53] 18 F (19.2 ± 0.9) Soccer NCAA Division 1 Unanticipated sidestep cutting (UA) NA FAST-FP (C) 3 CMJ at 90% of max vertical jump, step ups, step downs on a 30-cm box for 20 s, 3 squats to 90° of knee flexion, + proagility shuttle run (5-10-5 agility run) FAST-FP: The subjects had to perform a total of four sets of the fatiguing protocol with no rest in between Knee and hip FLEX/EXT angle at IC and PS Knee and hip ABD/ADD angle at IC
Knee and hip ABD/ADD moment at IC and PS
Hip ABD/ADD moment at IC and PS
 Collins et al., 2016 [35] 13 F (21.6 ± 2.2) Soccer NCAA Division 1 Unanticipated sidestep cutting (UA) Instructed to cut along a 1-m-wide path Intermittent shuttle run test (60 min) (C) Calibration: 5 CMJ, 15 unanticipated sidestep cutting, 15 preplanned sidestep cutting, fatigue protocol, calibration: 5 CMJ, 15 unanticipated sidestep cutting, 15 preplanned sidestep cutting Lasts 60 min for each subject Knee ABD/ADD angle peak Knee FLEX/EXT angle peak Knee IR/ER angle peak Knee FLEX/EXT and ABD/ADD and IR/ER moment peak

A anticipated, ABD/ADD abduction/adduction, CMJ counter movement jump, F female, FAST-FP functional agility short-term fatigue protocol, FLEX/EXT flexion/extension, C central, GRFx ground reaction force horizontal, GFRy ground reaction force medio-lateral, GRFz ground reaction force vertical, GRFyz ground reaction force resultant vector of horizontal and vertical forces, IC initial contact, INV/EV inversion/eversion, incr increase, IR/ER internal rotation/external rotation, P peripheral, M male, max maximal, MVCC maximum voluntary concentric contractions, NA not applicable, NCAA National Collegiate Athletic Association, PKF peak knee flexion, PPGRF peak posterior ground reaction force, PS peak stance, PvGRF peak vertical ground reaction force, QH quadriceps and hamstrings, RM repetition maximum, RoM range of motion, RPE rate of perceived exertion, SCM sidestep cutting maneuvers, SLO-FP slow linear oxidative fatigue protocol, UA unanticipated, VGRF vertical ground reaction force