Wnt Influences Axonal Outgrowth by Changing Microtubule Dynamics
Neurons were transfected at Div0 with GFP-MACF43 (GFP-MT + End) and imaged at the spinning disk microscope at Div1 at 1 frame per second.
(A) GFP-MT + End overexpressing neuron at Div1.
(B) Time lapse of retrograde (blue arrowheads) and anterograde (red arrowheads) comets in neurites of untreated neurons (upper panel) or neurons treated with Wnt3a (lower panel).
(C) Representative kymograph of anterograde and retrograde comets of a neurite.
(D) Quantification of the number of retrograde comets in all neurites (n = 20, **p < 0.01, mean (S.E.M.) values are shown).
(E) Representative kymograph of comets in the axon.
(F–H) (F) Quantification of duration, (G) run length, and (H) velocity of the comets (n > 20, ***p < 0.005, mean (S.E.M.) values are shown).