Fig. 2.
Nucleotide sequence alignment of sodium channel domains II (2A) and III (2B) DNA fragments of R. microplus reference sequence (GenBank Accession Number AF134216) with its respective translated amino acid sequences, and clone sequences obtained from pyrethroid resistant ticks: T170C, G184C, C190A, G184C_C190A, C189A_C190A, C190A_G215T, T170C_G215T, T170C_C189A_C190A, T2134A, T2134A_C2136A, C2130T_T2134A, and C2136A. Identical nucleotides are marked with dots. Numbers above sequences are based on the R. microplus para-sodium channel. Sequencing primers positions (Domain II: BmNa5F and BmNa5F; Domain III: RmNaDomainIIIF1 and RmNaDomainIIIRS2-CON) are identified as gray arrows. HRM primers (Domain II: HRM_Rm_Na-D2_F2 and HRM_Rm_Na-D2_F2; Domain III: HRM_Rm_Na_F and HRM_RmNa_F) are identified in black. Replaced amino acid residues are identified in red with one asterisk. The synonymous substitutions are identified in orange with two asterisks.