Figure 14.
Variation of persistence length with salt concentration for the 60 bp duplex, Seq1 (red) and 130 bp duplex, Seq2 (blue) from simulations. The solid curves denote fits of the simulation data to the OSF theory. The green open circles are lp values reported by Bustamante and co-workers.100 The triangles denote experimental data of Harrington et al.102 The open squares are data from the experiments of Sobel and Harpst103 on bacteriophage DNA. The brown polygon corresponds to the measurement of Maret and Weill.104 The filled squares denote the persistence lengths estimated by other groups: 3SPN1 (teal),91 3SPN2 (orange),24 and oxDNA (purple).42 We do not show the data from Plotkin and co-workers,22 because the estimated lp values are too low and lie outside the experimentally reported range.