Figure 3.
Effects of IGF‐loop deletion on ClpP association with ClpX. (A) Normalized BLI association trajectories for experiments performed using 100 nM ClpP. (B) For single‐chain ClpXΔN with four IGF loops (loops in subunits AB deleted), k app varied hyperbolically with ClpP concentration. The line is a non‐linear‐least‐squares fit to the equation k app = intercept + max•[ClpP]/(K 1/2 + [ClpP]), where k assn = max/K 1/2. (C) Second‐order rate constants for ClpP association to single‐chain ClpXΔN variants with different numbers and configurations of IGF‐loop deletions determined from experiment like those shown in Panels A and B. Values are averages (N = 3) ± SD. All association experiments in this panel contained 2 mM ATP.