A. Anal tumors in Tamoxifen-treated Pik3caH1047R: K14CreERtm mice using a DMBA-induced carcinogenesis protocol. Green-colored line indicates the tumor free survival in non-transgenic mice, E6/E7 (black-colored line) indicates K14E6/E7 mice, and H1047R (red-colored dot) indicates Pik3caH1047R: K14CreERtm mice. The data of tumor onset in non-transgenic mice and K14E6/E7 mice was obtained from prior study (Marie K. Thomas et al, 2011, Virology). B. Anal tumors in 4-OHT-treated mice with the following genotypes: H1047R(No CreER)(Green-colored line) indicates Pik3caH1047R mice, E6/E7 (black-colored line) indicates K14E6/E7/Pik3caH1047R, H1047R(CreER) (red-colored dot) indicates Pik3caH1047R:K14CreERtm mice, E545K(CreER) (blue-colored dot) indicates Pik3caE545K:K14CreERtm mice, E6/E7/H1047R(CreER) (red-colored line) indicates K14E6/E7/Pik3caH1047R: K14CreERtm mice, and E6/E7/E545K(CreER) (blue-colored line) indicates K14E6/E7/Pik3caE545K:K14CreERtm mice. C. Tumor free survival in 4-OHT-treated mice of following genotypes: H1047R(CreER) (red-colored dot) indicates in Pik3caH1047R:K14CreERtm mice and E6/E7/H1047R(CreER) (red-colored line) indicates K14E6/E7/Pik3caH1047R:K14CreERtm mice. These mice first were administered DMBA for 5 weeks and then were treated with 4-OHT at the 20 weeks timepoint. As a reference, E6/E7 (black-colored line) indicates K14E6/E7/Pik3caH1047R mice. D. Tumor free survival in 4-OHT-treated mice of following genotypes: H1047R(CreER) (red-colored dotted line) indicates Pik3caH1047R: K14CreERtm mice and E6/E7/H1047R(CreER) (red-colored line) indicates K14E6/E7/Pik3caH1047R: K14CreERtm mice. None of these mice received DMBA.