Figure 2.
(2a) Proposed conditional association of combat exposure on health-related behaviors through psychological health, based on different sleep durations (conceptual). Conceptually, this model compares the strength of the indirect effect of combat exposure on health-related behaviors through psychological health for each of the two sleep durations. We predict that this indirect association is stronger for shorter sleep duration (<6 hr) than for longer sleep duration (>6 hr). (2b) Proposed conditional association of combat exposure on health-related behaviors through psychological health, based on different sleep durations (computational). Statistically, this model is tested as (a1i + a3i * sleep duration) * bi. (2c) Alternative model (conceptual) of combat exposure on health-related behaviors through psychological health, based on different sleep durations. (2d) Alternative model (computational) of combat exposure on health-related behaviors through psychological health, based on different sleep durations. Conditional indirect association of combat exposure on health-related behaviors through psychological health = ai (b1i + b3i * sleep duration).