Fig 1. Combined treatments with phosphatidylserine elevates IKAP protein level more efficiently than either drug alone.
FD cells were treated for 5 days either with (A) 50 μg/ml PS or 10 μM kinetin (Kin) or the combination of both drugs, and (B) 50 μg/ml PS or 100 ng/ml TSA or the combination of both drugs. Upper panels: Western blotting of FD cell lysates after indicated treatments. Proteins were extracted, and western blots were analyzed by using anti-IKAP antibody or HSC-70 antibody; the latter was used as a protein-loading control. Lower panels: Quantification of IKAP fold change levels normalized to HSC70 and relative to control (vehicle only). All quantifications were done using FusionCapt software. Asterisks denote statistically significant differences (*P ≤ 0.05 and ***P ≤ 0.005) relative to each control; Student’s t-test.