Table 6:
MDWIn | |
Constant | 0.689*** |
LDW | 0.328*** |
LDB | 0.002*** |
LDL | 0.018*** |
MDB | 0.090*** |
MDA | 0.133*** |
MDL | 0.042*** |
HD | 0.023*** |
2000 | 1.180*** |
Metro_Pop(1m) | 1.001 |
Metro_Entropy | 1.056*** |
Metro_Percent_Black | 0.942*** |
Metro_Percent_FB | 0.904*** |
LDW:2000 | 0.956 |
LDB:2000 | 3.955** |
LDL:2000 | 1.577 |
MDB:2000 | 1.164 |
MDA:2000 | 0.554 |
MDL:2000 | 1.329 |
HD:2000 | 6.926*** |
LDW:Metro_Pop(1m) | 0.944*** |
LDB:Metro_Pop(1m) | 1.058 |
LDL:Metro_Pop(1m) | 1.217*** |
MDB:Metro_Pop(1m) | 0.975** |
MDA:Metro_Pop(1m) | 1.036 |
MDL:Metro_Pop(1m) | 1.019 |
HD:Metro_Pop(1m) | 1.069* |
LDW:Metro_Entropy | 1.890*** |
LDB:Metro_Entropy | 0.326 |
LDL:Metro_Entropy | 0.65 |
MDB:Metro_Entropy | 0.906 |
MDA:Metro_Entropy | 0.667 |
MDL:Metro_Entropy | 1.175 |
HD:Metro_Entropy | 0.937 |
LDW:Metro_Percent_Black | 1.067* |
LDB:Metro_Percent_Black | 1.574 |
LDL:Metro_Percent_Black | 3.648 |
MDB:Metro_Percent_Black | 1.125 |
MDA:Metro_Percent_Black | 1.859 |
MDL:Metro_Percent_Black | 1.873** |
HD:Metro_Percent_Black | 0.896 |
LDW:Metro_Percent_FB | 1.104** |
LDB:Metro_Percent_FB | 1.097 |
LDL:Metro_Percent_FB | 0.220*** |
MDB:Metro_Percent_FB | 0.937 |
MDA:Metro_Percent_FB | 0.589 |
MDL:Metro_Percent_FB | 0.782** |
HD:Metro_Percent_FB | 0.642 |
N | 1533 |
Deg. of Freedom | 1509 |
Resid., Deviance | 959.15 |
Significant at the 1 percent level.
Significant at the 5 percent level.
Significant at the 10 percent level.
Notes: These are the exponentiated estimates from the model in equation 5. See table 1 for translation of the category abbreviations. A : separating two variable names indicates an interaction. MDW is the excluded category. Thus, this category and interactions with it are missing from the model. In addition, the model excludes categories for which there are 0 transitions to MDW in either the 1990s or 2000s. The significance levels of estimates were calculated using robust standard errors clustered on metropolitan areas.