A) Sample I-V curves of HsTPC2 recorded using excised patches with varying PI(3,5)P
2 concentrations in the bath (cytosolic) solution. Currents at −100 mV were used to generate the concentration-dependent PI(3,5)P
2 activation curve shown in
Figure 4A. (
B) Sample I-V curves of HsTPC2 recorded on the same patch with different phosphatidylinositol lipids. (
C) Sample I-V curves of mutations at the PI(3,5)P
2-binding site measured in whole cell recordings. Currents at −100 mV were used to generate the
Figure 4E. (
D) Overall expression of GFP-tagged HsTPC2 mutants. (
E) Plasma membrane localization of HsTPC2 mutants expressed in HEK293 cells. Experiments shown in (
A–E) were repeated five times independently with similar results.