Figure 1. Sustained attention experimental and operant paradigm.
(A) After animals were trained to criteria they underwent three independent trials of systemic drug testing (SK609 – 2, 4, 6, 8 10, 20 mg/kg; MPH, 2 mg/kg; raclopride, 0.05 mg/kg; prazosin, 0.25 mg/kg; or a combination of treatments administered i.p.). These trials consisted of three vehicle treatments each followed by the administration of a drug the next day, facilitating a six-day treatment schedule per drug. Sustained attention performance was defined by either the Vigilance Index (VI), which corresponds to scores obtained on drug testing days (Days 2, 4, 6), or by Difference in VI (DVI), which was calculated as the difference between drug and vehicle testing days (i.e. Day 2 – Day 1). (B) Illustration of rules corresponding to each type of sustained attention response. Signal trials are indicated by a cue light in the top row, whereas non-signal trials are demonstrated on the bottom row without an illumination of the cue light. Correct responses to either signal or non-signal trials are characterized by green boxes, and red boxes signify incorrect responses during both trial types. Arrows and ‘R’ represent lever presses and water rewards, respectively.