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. 2019 Feb 25;20(4):649–661. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2018.0446

Table 2. Technical Characteristics of Included Studies.

First Author (Year of Publication) (Ref.) Vendor Model Field Strength (T) DWI Sequence Number of b-Values (Strength) DWI Parameters ROI Definition (Number Persons, Experience in Years) ROI Extent Blindness to Reference Standard
Galbán (2009) (38) Philips Achieva 3 SSEPI 2 (0, 800) TR/TE = 5000/77–100, NEX: 2, FOV: 240 x 192 mm, slice thickness: 6 mm, time: 5 min, matrix: 120 x 97 Radiologist or oncologist (2, N/A) Volume N/A
Hatakenaka (2011) (30) Philips Intera Achieva 1.5 SSEPI 7 (0, 100, 200, 300, 500, 750, 1000) TR/TE = 3000/73, NEX: 2, bandwidth: 1645.9, time: 4 min 6 sec, matrix: 256 x 112 Radiologists (2, > 15 yr) Single section Yes
Kim (2009) (28) Siemens Sonata, Trio 1.5 or 3 SSEPI 3 (0, 500, 1000) TR/TE = 4000/89, signal average: 4 Radiologist (1, N/A) Volume N/A
King (2013) (34) Philips Intera NT 1.5 SSEPI 6 (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500) TR/TE = 2000/75, slice thickness: 4 mm, gap: 0, FOV: 230 mm, acquisition matrix: 112 x 112, reconstruction matrix: 256 x 256, signal average: 4 Radiologist (1, > 15 yr) Volume N/A
Lombardi (2017) (26) Philips Achieva 1.5 EPI 3 (0, 500, 1000) N/A Radiologist (1, 5 yr) Single section N/A
Marzi (2017) (25) GE Healthcare Optima 1.5 SSEPI 9 (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 300, 500, 800) TR/TE = 4500/77, slice thickness: 4 mm, gap: 5 mm, bandwidth: 1953, FOV: 260–280 mm, acquisition matrix: 128 x 128, time: 6 min 13 sec Radiologists (2, 15, and 6 yr) Volume N/A
Matoba (2014) (9) Siemens Avanto 1.5 SSEPI 3 (0, 90, 800) TR/TE = 4000/68, TI: 180, matrix: 512 x 256, FOV: 25, section thickness: 6 mm, gap: 3 mm Radiologists (2, 15, and 20 yr) Volume Yes
Ng (2014) (24) Siemens Magnetom Trio with TIM 3 SSEPI 2 (0, 800) TR/TE = 8200/84, time: 2 min 28 sec, slice thickness: 5 mm Radiologist (1, > 20 yr) Single section N/A
Paudyal (2017) (37) Philips Ingenia 3 SSEPI 10 (0, 20, 50, 80, 200, 300, 500, 800, 1500, 2000) TR/TE = 4000/minimum, NA: 2, matrix: 128 x 128, FOV: 20–24, slices: 8–10, slice thickness: 5 mm, time: 5 min Radiation oncologist (1, > 5 yr) and radiologist (1, > 10 yr) Single section N/A
Schouten (2014) (36) Siemens Sonata 1.5 EPI, HASTE 3 (0, 500, 1000) TR/TE = 5000/105, in-plane pixel size: 2 x 2 mm Radiologist (1, 29 yr) Single section Yes
Vandecaveye (2012) (33) Siemens SONATA Vision 1.5 SSEPI 6 (0, 50, 100, 500, 750, 1000) TR/TE = 7100/84, matrix: 104 x 128, 44 slices, slice thickness: 4 mm, gap: 0.4 mm, FOV: 20 x 25 Radiologist (1, 6 yr) Volume Yes
Wong (2016) (35) Siemens MAGNETOM Aera 1.5 SSEPI 3 (50, 400, 800) TR/TE = 13400/61, matrix: 96, FOV: 199 x 199, bandwidth: 1000 Radiation oncologist (1, N/A) and radiologist (1, N/A) Single section N/A

DWI = diffusion-weighted imaging, EPI = echo-planar imaging, FOV = field of view, HASTE = HAlf fourier Single-shot Turbo spin-Echo, NA = number of averages, NEX = number of excitations, ROI = region of interest, SSEPI = single-shot spin-echo EPI, T = tesla, TE = echo time, TI = inversion time, TR = repetition time