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. 2019 Mar 19;9:4869. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41256-4

Table 1.

Summary of parameters used in the models.

Parameter Definition Assumptions Sensitivity analysis assumptions
N t a Population size of a-th age group at time t Varied by years19
δ t Number of new births at time t Varied by years20
μ t a Net rate of natural mortality and migration of a-th age group at time t Varied by years4,20. The ratio of mortality between older to younger groups were assumed at 7:1, 9:1, 12:1, 16:1, and 20:1 for year <1981, 1981–1990, 1991–2000, 2001–2010, and >2010 respectively.
φ t BCG vaccination proportion on new births at time t Varied by years50 Uniform (99%, 99.9%)
ρ BCG efficacy 74%, an estimate based on 4 randomized-controlled trials26 Uniform (62%, 83%)26
λ t a Force of infection for age group a at time t
β ak Age-specified transmission rate from age group k-th to a-th Estimated by MCMC using the TB notification data50 Follow posterior distributions
τ Transition rate from youngers to elders
α Proportion developing recent latent infection stage from remote latent and recovered stages 0.0133 Uniform (0.011, 0.015)3
υ s Progression rate from recent latent infection to remote latent 0.2 per year
υ i Progression rate from recent latent infection to infectious or non-infectious stage 0.03 per year22,51,52 Uniform (0.02, 0.04)22,51,52
σ a Progression rate from remote latent infection to infectious or non-infectious stage 0.0005 per year for younger adults. A multiplier K to this value was assumed for elders and estimated by the MCMC approach2,22,51,52 Follow the posterior distribution
γ Proportion of infectious TB from either fast or slow latent TB 0.853 Uniform (0.75, 0.95)3
q Proportion of infectious and non-infectious individuals being detected and treated 0.93,5355 Uniform (0.80, 0.99)3,5355
p Proportion of treated individuals able to complete TB treatments 0.25 for years before 1970; 0.6 for years 1970–1978; 0.87 after year 19785355 Uniform (0.80, 0.95)
κ c Efficacy for treatment completion 0.935355 Uniform(0.85, 0.99)
κ d Efficacy for treatment defaulted 0.845355 Uniform(0.65, 0.90)
ξ Progression rate from treatment to recovered stage Reciprocal for 6 months
ϕ Natural annual recovery rate 0.23,22,51,52 Uniform (0.1, 0.3)3,22,51,52
ω Relapse rate 0.04550 Uniform (0.017, 0.17)2,22,50
m Screened proportion (acceptability) of LTBI in elders Test for different proportions
r Detection rate of LTBI 77%, an average sensitivity of the tuberculin skin test16. Enhancing sensitivity of 90% (T-spot TB test) was also tested.
h j LTBI treatment adherence level for duration j Duration j can be 52, 24, and 12 weeks; the current adherence levels were respectively assumed to be 65% (complete treatment), 15%, and 5%16,29,30. We varied the treatment completion rate from 0–80% to assess the changes (24- and 12-weeks completion rate was unchanged).
η j Progression rate from LTBI treatment with duration j to recovered stage Reciprocal for 52, 24, and 12 weeks of isoniazid therapy16,27,28
κ l j Efficacy for different durations of LTBI treatment 75%, 65%, and 21% for 52, 24, and 12 weeks of treatments, respectively17,29