FIG 4.
miR-551a reduces migration and invasion by inhibiting the expression of MMP-9. (A) Representative images and bar graph showing the migration of cells expressing either vector or miR-551a in a wound healing assay. (n = 3; **, P = 0.0036, unpaired t test). (B and C) Representative images and bar graphs showing the migration and invasion of cells through transwell Boyden chambers (***, P = 0.0006 [n = 6]; *, P = 0.0131 [n = 5], unpaired t test). (D) Representative image of gelatin zymogram showing the activity of MMP-9 and MMP-2 in conditioned medium. (E) Western blotting for MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in conditioned medium. (F) Bar graph showing relative expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in MDA-MB-231 cells expressing miR-551a (n = 3; **, P = 0.0044, unpaired t test). CT, threshold cycle.