Table 2.
Separation and extraction of bioactive anti-biofilm components from plants
Plant | Bioactive components | Methodology | References |
Assam tea | Galloylated catechins | HPLC | [78] |
Several common food products and plants | Iberin | LC-DAD-MS and NMR spectroscopy | [79] |
Coconut husk extract | One bioactive OH-group-containing compound | TLC, HPLC and FT-IR analysis | [80] |
12 herbs in Thailand | 4-Chromanol | GC–MS analysis, TLC fingerprinting and TLC-bioautography | [81] |
Schinus terebinthifolius | Phenolic compounds, anthraquinones, terpenoids, and alkaloids | TLC analysis | [82] |
Pomegranate extract | Ellagic acid | HP-TLC analysis | [83] |
Medicinal plants | UPLC analysis | [84] | |
1920 natural compounds/drugs | Rosmarinic acid, naringin, chlorogenic acid, morin and mangiferin | SB-VS against LasR and RhlR receptor | [85] |
3040 natural compounds and their derivatives. | 5-Imino-4,6-dihydro-3H-1,2,3-triazolo[5,4-d]pyrimidin-7-one | SB-VS against the QS receptor LasR | [46] |
51 bioactive components from Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs) | Baicalein | SB-VS against transcriptional activator protein TraR | [86] |
46 bioactive components from TCMs | Emodin | SB-VS against transcriptional activator protein TraR | [87] |
Natural and synthetic compound libraries | 4-NPO | Screening systems named QSI selectors | [88] |
Five commercial tea extracts | Polymeric and monomeric tea phenolics | Phytochemical screening | [89] |