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. 2019 Mar 13;10:514. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00514

Table 3.

Results and differences in the results of the Wingate Anaerobic Test (the WAnT) performed by wheelchair basketball players from functional categories A and B.

WAnT parameters Category Mean Median SD SE Test p d
Mean power (MP) [W] A 284.04 295.00 40.70 7.83 U 0.001* -0.99ˆ
B 344.00 314.00 74.95 14.42
Peak power (PP) [W] A 530.15 527.00 130.58 25.13 T 0.001* -1.07ˆ
B 657.04 682.00 104.85 20.18
Relative mean power (rMP) [W/kg] A 4.02 4.00 0.67 0.13 U 0.188 -0.49
B 4.47 4.40 1.11 0.21
Relative peak power (rPP) [W/kg] A 7.44 7.60 1.79 0.34 T 0.001* -1.07ˆ
B 8.50 8.20 1.61 0.31
Fatigue index (FI) [W/s] A 14.33 14.90 5.53 1.06 T 0.034* -0.59ˆ
B 17.38 17.40 4.74 0.91

Category A – class 1.0–2.5; category B – class 3.0–4.5; statistically significant difference (p < 0.05);ˆ large effect size (Cohen’s d > 0.50); SD – standard deviation; SE – standard error; T – T-test; U – Mann–Whitney U test.