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. 2018 Sep 21;7(3):806–813. doi: 10.1556/2006.7.2018.74

Table 1.

Adjusted odds ratio (aOR) estimates (pooled) for PGSI problem gambling categories predicting family violence victimization and perpetration (N = 4,153)

PGSI category % [95% CI] aOR – Model 1 [95% CI] aOR – Model 2 [95% CI] aOR – Model 3 [95% CI] aOR – Model 4 [95% CI]
FV victimization [n = 428 (10.3%; 95% CI: 9.3, 11.3)]a
 Non-problem gambling (n = 3,844) 9.4 [8.5–10.4] 1 1 1 1
 Low-risk gambling (n = 202) 20.0 [14.0–26.0] 2.66 [1.77–4.02]** 2.76 [1.82–4.18]** 2.48 [1.63–3.76]** 2.57 [1.68–3.93]**
 Moderate-risk/problem gambling (n = 107) 21.3 [13.1–29.4] 2.73 [1.63–4.56]** 2.29 [1.35–3.89]** 1.87 [1.09–3.19]* 1.58 [0.91–2.75]
FV perpetration [n = 407 (9.8%; 95% CI: 8.8, 10.7)]a
 Non-problem gambling (n = 3,844) 9.0 [8.0–10.0] 1 1 1 1
 Low-risk gambling (n = 202) 19.3 [13.5–25.1] 2.70 [1.78–4.07]** 2.63 [1.73–3.99]** 2.51 [1.65–3.82]** 2.47 [1.62–3.77]**
 Moderate-risk/problem gambling (n = 107) 19.7 [11.8–27.7] 2.56 [1.50–4.36]** 2.17 [1.26–3.74]** 1.92 [1.11–3.31]* 1.63 [0.93–2.87]

Note. aOR (Model 1): adjusted for gender, age, and employment status; aOR (Model 2): adjusted for gender, age, employment status, hazardous alcohol use, cannabis use, and other substance use; aOR (Model 3): adjusted for gender, age, employment status, and psychological distress; aOR (Model 4): adjusted for gender, age, employment status, hazardous alcohol use, cannabis use, other substance use, and psychological distress; PGSI: Problem Gambling Severity Index; CI: confidence interval; FV: family violence.


Estimates pooled over 50 imputations; FV victimization HITS item: “In the past 12 months, has a family member physically hurt you, insulted or talked down to you, threatened you with harm, or screamed or cursed at you?” and FV perpetration HITS item: “In the past 12 months, have you physically hurt, insulted or talked down to, threatened with harm, or screamed or cursed at a family member?”

*p < .05. **p < .01.