Putative Medicago KASH proteins interact with both Arabidopsis SUN2 and Medicago SUN in a SIT- and SUN domain-dependent manner. GFP-tagged KASH and 6xMyc-tagged SUN and WIT proteins were transiently expressed in N. benthamiana leaves and whole protein extracts were isolated and immunoprecipitated with an anti-GFP antibody. A to C, GFP-tagged KASH proteins were detected with anti-GFP, while 6xMyc-tagged SUN and WIT proteins were detected with anti-Myc. A, Co-IP of Medicago KASH proteins and Arabidopsis SUN2. B, Co-IP of Medicago KASH proteins and Medicago SUN. C, Co-IP of MtWIP1a, MtWIP1b, the TMD fragment of Arabidopsis WIP1, and untagged GFP (free GFP) with MtWIT1. Asterisk: background band. Input: immunoprecipitated ratio = 1:9. Some proteins were expressed at too low a level to be detected in the input, but the immunoprecipitate shows that they are expressed. WT, wild type; dmut, double mutation; AtWIP1 TDF, the TMD fragment of Arabidopsis WIP1; IN, input; IP, immunoprecipitated.