Figure 7.
Chirping behavior in freely swimming pairs (n = 28). A, The number of chirps produced during interaction is correlated with difference in EODf (r 2 = 0.1093). B, Chirping does not differ by absolute EODf, EODf pair type, or relative EODf. The mean chirp rate for low-frequency fish (<1100 Hz) and high-frequency fish (>1100) was similar (Student’s t test, p = 0.86). Mean chirps per trial based on the EODf of pairing [Low:Low (L:L); Low:High (L:H); High:High (H:H); ANOVA, p = 0.47] and by the relative frequency of individuals within the pairing (Student’s t test, p = 0.55) were all extremely low and similar in all groupings. Error bars indicate SD. C, Interchirp intervals between pairs binned by time fall show no echoing chirp exchanges. Inset, Enlarged section shows that very few chirps occur within 2 s of each other. D, Interchirp interval distribution for individual fish follow a Poisson distribution (R 2 = 0.9).