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. 2019 Mar 20;5(3):eaav3801. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aav3801

Table 1. Participant demographics and clinical details.

Twenty-five patients per group completed the study. One patient in group B was not included in analyses because of outlier-level performance on the DSST before recognition testing. Groups A and B did not differ on any demographical variables (age, gender, years of education, or type of endoscopy procedure) or in terms of dosage of other agents (midazolam or alfentanil) administered. However, there was a significant difference in the amount of propofol administered.

Group A Group B Statistic (t, X2) P
Gender* Female 10 9 χ(1)2=0.32 0.86
Male 15 15
Age (years) Mean 38.88 39.08 t47 = −0.15 0.88
SEM 0.90 0.97
Years of schooling Mean 14.44 14.75 t47 = −0.38 0.70
SEM 0.60 0.54
Endoscopy procedure* Colonoscopy 13 10 χ(2)2=2.97 0.23
Gastroscopy 7 12
Both 5 2
Endoscopy diagnosis* Not pathological 15 18 χ(5)2=2.6 0.76
Inflammatory 4 3
Allergy 1 1
Vascular 1 0
Ulcer 1 0
Polyps 3 2
Propofol (mg/kg) Mean 3.02 2.37 t47 = 2.04 0.047
SEM 0.25 0.19
Duration of deep sedation (min) Mean 13.17 11.42 t47 = 0.93 0.36
SEM 1.56 1.02
Other pharmacological agents* Yes 13 13 χ(1)2=0.023 0.88
No 12 11
Midazolam in mg n 8 8
Mean 2.05 1.37 t14 = 1.65 0.12
SEM 0.35 0.21
Alfentanil in mg n 7 7
Mean 0.29 0.30 t12 = −0.08 0.94
SEM 0.06 0.06


†Independent t test.

‡Significant at P < 0.05.