Comparison of significant differences in cytokine and chemokine levels for C. trachomatis reference strains Ba/Apache-2 and E/Boura
Cells of each primary cell type were infected with Ba or E at MOIs of 1 or 10 (data are taken from Fig. S5 in the supplemental material). Symbols before a slash relate to strain Ba; symbols after a slash relate to strain E. Blue and red carets represent up-regulation for one strain versus the other strain. Hyphens represent no significant up-regulation. Red carets indicate that there was a difference in analyte results for the cell type infected with strain Ba or E at an MOI of 1 compared to an MOI of 10; blue carets and hyphens indicate a similarity in results in the cell type infected at MOIs of 1 and 10. Patient and cell population information can be found in Table S1.