Fig. 2.
GFI1B interacts with β-catenin and several regulators of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. a Immune precipitation (IP) with anti Flag antibody from 293T cells overexpressing GFI1B-Flag followed by mass spectrometric analysis. b Dot Plot showing BioID interactions of GFI1B-BirA*-Flag with the indicated Histone modifying enzymes and Wnt pathway regulators in Flp-In T-REx HEK293 cells. Node color represents the average spectral counts. The edge color depicts the confidence score of the interaction (BFDR ≤ 1% as high confidence, 1% < BFDR ≤ 5% as medium confidence or 5% < BFDR as low confidence score). The relative abundance of prey across the bait is represented by the size of the circle. c A previously described Wnt regulatory domain (WRD) is present in GFI1B28. The indicated Flag-tagged and mutated forms used for IP. d, e Immune precipitation with anti Flag antibodies from 293T cells overexpressing WT or the indicated mutated forms of GFI1B followed by western blot. f–h Immune precipitation with an anti GFI1B antibody from K562 (f), HEL (g), and CHIR99021 treated K562 (h) cells